Monday, January 5, 2009

Number 12 & 37

I have to find ways to work out in our apartment because we don't have the money in our budget for gym passes and it's too cold for me to run outside. I tried running outside in the winter in high school once and when I got home I thought I was going to die because my lungs burned so bad. So I don't do it anymore. I love the first warm air of the season because then I can start up again. Anyways, I have 2 exercise is a 10 minute pilates DVD (which I love) and the other is a Denise Austin cardio dance DVD. I only bought the Denise Austin DVD because I love to dance so I thought it would be a good one. However, I hate this DVD because Denise Austin gets on my nerves too much (and frankly, so do her "helpers" in the video). I still did it tonight because I had no other options, but I was annoyed the whole time. I even skipped over one of the 10 minute segments. So I ended up working out for 45 minutes instead of 55 minutes. Oh well, my goal is 30 so I surpassed it by 15 minutes anyway! I think I might rent a new exercise DVD each week from the library (since we don't have money in our budget to buy new DVDs either...haha), but I have a feeling that most of them will be checked out since it is January and a lot of people make exercising one of their resolutions. Hopefully I can find something! I also found a bunch of workouts that I ripped out of magazines in our office today so I intend to look through those tonight.

The dreaded Denise Austin!

During the first 10 minutes of my workout, my mom called me. While I was at work my dad called me about my car (it got hit in a parking lot last month - but that's a whole other story). So technically I talked to both of my parents this week, but it was a little rushed each time since I was in the middle of other things so I will probably talk to both of them later this week. Actually, I have no problems talking to my parents during the week so this is kind of an easy goal for me. :)

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