Thursday, January 13, 2011

Thursday thoughts.

Yes, more random bullets for your reading pleasure.
  • Our Christmas tree is still in our backyard. I fully intended to follow proper city protocol to dispose of it and had it on the curb last week. How was I supposed to know that the back curb where our trash goes is not the same curb where yard waste goes? Apparently that should be placed on the front curb. Seriously, I want to know who makes rules like that. So, our Christmas tree never got picked up. It should have gone out again yesterday, but it's kinda stuck in our backyard since I shoveled snow in front of the gate. And I'm not about to pull a Lou Ferrigno and toss it over the fence at 7am in my work clothes.
Kinda disturbing, actually.
  •  I really wanted a snow day this week. Heck, I would have settled for a 2-hour delay. Neither of those things happened. However, I got so excited at the possibility of one of those 2 things happening that I slept terribly the past few nights in anticipation that the school would be listed among the closings in the morning. Yeah, I was like a little kid on Christmas Eve. Except majorly disappointed in the end.
I feel like this has been very true in my experiences!
  • I don't want to sound like a huge complainer, because really that's all I've done in this post so far, so I will end on a more positive note. I performed a random act of kindness yesterday that I really enjoyed. I've been wanting to do some volunteer work since the summer so I think this was a push I needed to find something and get involved. Now, I just have to choose where I would like to help out...
What are your random thoughts for the day? Anyone else have their Christmas tree still laying around? Where do you volunteer?

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