Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Product love.

Since the past two days of teaching have left me completely exhausted, here's a short little list of some products I currently love. FYI, no one paid me to advertise their products on my site...I just like them!
Corningware 20 ounce mug - this mug is perfect for soup! It holds a large Campbell's (or whatever brand you like) can of soup. I have been taking soup in my lunch every single day this week and LOVE it. The lid vents so all you have to do is pop it in the microwave!
I'm still obsessed with apples dipped in caramel. I just might be all season long.

Brach's candy corn - we keep some of this in my pumpkin dish on the coffee table and I find myself grabbing some almost every single day. But then again, when am I NOT eating these days??
Tights! I love wearing tights in the fall & winter and today I wore some under my favorite summer dress. Instant fall wardrobe!
 So apparently most of my favorite products these days are food or deal with food...oh well!

What are your current favorites?

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