Monday, January 10, 2011

Movies on my Radar

Jon and I don't go out to the movies all that often. For one, we hate paying full price to see one unless it's been highly anticipated (such as big blockbusters like Batman). And we are also more "watch movies at home" people so we can spend our money going out to other places! The last movie we saw in the theater was July. So yeah, it's been awhile. These are some movies I would like to see soon though:

Black Swan

I've heard this movie is disturbing, but really good at the same time. As I've said before, I love dance so I would like to see how this movie portrays ballet. Plus, I think Natalie Portman is a great actress!

Love and Other Drugs
Since I've seen the trailer I have been intrigued by the concept of this movie. I also adore Anne Hathaway so it will be interesting to see her play a role that is different from those I have seen her play before.

The Social Network
Basically I want to see this movie because people keep telling me I should. I suppose I'll give it to peer pressure for this.

Have you seen any of the movies listed? What are your thoughts on them?

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