Saturday, January 8, 2011

Random Tidbits

I love bulleted lists. So here are just a few random thoughts:
  • I've always loved dance. I even was a dancer myself for a few years, along with many, many years of gymnastics. My favorite dance show has always been So You Think You Can Dance and I've never really wanted to watch any others. However, I randomly decided to tape Live to Dance this week and have cried at least 3 times watching it today. Thank God my husband isn't here because I am sure he would mock me mercilessly for this. But really, how can a little 9 year old break dancing, an elderly couple still enjoying dance as if they were much younger, and an entire love story told in dance form not touch you?
  • I got on a reading kick a few months back and read a ton of books. However, that kick ended about 2 months ago and I think I've read 1.5 books since. I want to change that. Hopefully in the next few days I can share my reading list.
  • My goal this year is to really love where I live. We moved here in August and it hasn't been the best transition for me, but I would like to change that. More thoughts on this later as well.
  • I really need to update my Ipod. My goal is to get that done this month and to put on a few new bands/artists. I need to expand my current listening!
  • I've had a few cooking fails this week. My poor husband has had to suffer through some not so appetizing meals. So the new rule in the house is that I am allowed to make 1 new meal a week that features foods we have never tried before. Fortunately I am still allowed to make new recipes with food we know we like!

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