Sunday, December 18, 2011

On the 6th day of Christmas...

I sipped on some mint hot chocolate (with lots of marshmallows!),

while watching the snow fall out my front window. It's not a whole lot of snow, but it's actually sticking a little to the holly bushes out front. I also did a little more Christmas shopping in the afternoon and was able to check 2 more people off our list! I really hope to have everything completed by the end of the weekend thanks to Amazon Prime. I really can't believe there are only 7 more days until Christmas!

Later in the evening Jon and I watched The Family Stone. I do really like that movie, but it's just so sad! I definitely get teary every time I see it. We still have a few movies to check off our list for the year, so I'm sure that will be a major theme (like it already has been!) throughout the rest of my 12 days of Christmas posts. 

Is it snowing where you live?

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